Sutherlands Park Bushland covers about 53.6 hectares of Bush Forever Site 125, north of Holmes Street in Southern River, divided by the Garden Street road reserve, and surrounded by several contiguous natural areas. The site has high conservation value, with a large portion being classified as Conservation Category Wetland. Adding to the importance of this site is the community of Banksia Woodland located within the Bushland.
Two species of significant flora have been recorded on site – Jacksonia gracillima and the Grand Spider Orchid (Caladenia huegelii) – and habitat which is known to support the endangered Drakaea elastica has been recorded within the wetland area.
The site provides habitat for a wide range of fauna, including some of conservation significance; Carnaby’s Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus latirostris), Rainbow Bee-eater (Merops ornatus) and the Southern Brown Bandicoot (Isoodon obesulus fusciventer).
With residential development surrounding this site, it is important for the City to manage this Bushland in a way that improves the natural environment, allows community interaction and reduces threats to flora, fauna and surrounding community.
Being one of the largest natural areas under the management of the City, (excluding our River Parks and Ellis Brook Valley), it is important that we work on managing and protecting the high conservation and biodiversity values associated with this area. In 2016, the City commissioned two Management Plans for the Sutherlands Park Bushland (formerly referred to as the Holmes Street Bushland North site).
The City has been working on several management recommendations made in these reports for the last few years, including the installation of fencing and access gates to the perimeter of the bushland area, construction of compacted limestone tracks, weed control in several key areas of the reserve, rubbish removal, removal of woody weeds and revegetation and rehabilitation of peripheral and internal areas (almost 2 hectares) that have been the subject of historical disturbance.
Using locally native seedlings for our revegetation projects is an important part of ensuring success. Seed collection has been undertaken from within the reserve, to ensure that locally native plants are used in this revegetation program. With varying success due to weather, unauthorised access (rubbish dumping and cars/motorbikes) and grazing by rabbits, the City is continuing to look at revegetation strategies for this site and ensure that we continue to restore this important local biodiversity asset.
Cnr Holmes Street and Balfour Street
Huntingdale WA 6110