Town Planning Scheme No. 6 (TPS 6) was gazetted on 15 February 2002 and is the principal statutory planning framework for the City of Gosnells. It consists of a Scheme Text and Scheme Maps, which are read in conjunction with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme Regulations 2015) (Schedule 2 – Deemed Provisions).
The key function of the Scheme is to provide for the zoning and reservation of land, land use permissibility and development assessment parameters.
Town Planning Scheme 6 Heritage List
Check the Zoning of a Property using the City's Online Mapping System
Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015
Review of TPS 6
The Regulations require local governments to review their Scheme every five years. Council at its meeting of 26 April 2017 endorsed a report on the review of TPS 6.
This report recommended that several amendments be made to TPS 6. Due to the substantive nature of the amendments required, Council has prepared a new Local Planning Scheme No. 24 (LPS 24) to replace TPS 6.
Further Information: Draft Local Planning Scheme No 24