Development Assessment Panels (DAPs) are independent decision making bodies comprising a mix of technical experts and elected local government representatives. DAPs are intended to enhance planning expertise in decision making by improving the balance between technical advice and local knowledge.

The purpose of the DAPs is to determine development applications in the place of local governments and the Western Australian Planning Commission, where a financial value threshold is reached.

Current applications

The following current DAP application/s are located within the City of Gosnells:

  • Development of Shopping Centre (KFC) - Lot 11 Southern River Road, Southern River
  • Outdoor Cinema, Private Recreation and Incidental Restaurant - 222, 190 and 254 (Lots 359, 360 and 804) Alcock Street and 61 and 89 (Lots 395 and 801) Ballard Place, Maddington; Lot 803 on Plan 47689.  For further information please see  

Scheduled meetings

Presentation Requests

  • To make a presentation to the DAP, please complete the Presentation Request Template and email it to the DAP Secretariat 
  • The request is to be submitted at least 3 days prior to the DAP meeting.
  • If presentation approval is obtained, each presentation is to be a maximum of five minutes, unless the Presiding Member allows for an extension of time. 

DAP website (Agendas and Minutes)

More information