The Central Maddington Outline Development Plan (ODP) encompasses an area generally located within 800m of the Maddington Railway station. The area is identified for redevelopment in the form of increased residential density, and the provision of associated infrastructure such as additional roads and public open space (POS).
What is the main aim of the project?
The main aim of the project is to facilitate redevelopment of the area by providing a framework to guide the provision of new roads and public open space and enable subdivision and new development. Associated work involves coordinating the provision of new or improved infrastructure.
What has been happening?
A range of planning tasks have been undertaken for the Central Maddington ODP including:
- preparation of the draft ODP
- preparation of a scheme amendment to give effect to the ODP
- extensive community consultation
- State Government approval of Amendment No.89
- Submission of technical studies, including transport study and Water Management Strategy to the State Government
- State Government approval of the Central Maddington ODP
- the plan has subsequently been modified
- adoption of the Development Contribution Plan Report
- approval of an Access Management Consolidation Strategy