The Homestead Road Outline Development Plan (ODP) relates to the area bound by Homestead Road, the railway line and the Canning River reservation, in Gosnells
What is the main aim of the ODP?
The purpose of the ODP is to guide subdivision and development of the precinct area, including the provision of a new roads and Public Open Space. The ODP is currently operational.
Associated documents can be viewed using the links below:
- Ordinary Council Meeting - 24 September 2019 - Item 13.2.3
- Ordinary Council Meeting - 11 September 2018 - Item 13.2.7
- Ordinary Council Meeting - 8 August 2017 - Item 13.2.1
- Ordinary Council Meeting - 13 September 2016 - Item 13.2.1
- Ordinary Council Meeting - 14 July 2015 - Item 13.2.4
- Ordinary Council Meeting - 8 July 2014 - Item 13.5.6