If your rubbish bin was not collected on the scheduled day, there could be a number of reasons.
Before you report a missed bin collection, consider the following questions.
Does the bin belong to the City of Gosnells?
Our bins have a distinct serial number and stamp on the bin lid. If your bin does not belong to the City, we cannot empty it.
Does the bin contain items with the potential to cause damage/fires in the truck?
Read the sticker on the rubbish bin lid for a list of these items.
If bins are placed out late, you may have missed the collection?
Bins must be placed out for collection before 6am on the day of collection.
Was your bin overfull or too heavy?
Your bin and its contents should weigh less than 50kg or it will be too heavy for the truck to lift. Do not jam in contents.
If your bin was not emptied for any of these reasons, a note will be left advising you of the action to take to ensure resumption of the collection service.