CBCA Book Week is held annually in August. In 2024 the theme is 'Reading is Magic' and events will be run during Book Week, 17 - 23 August 2024.
This national celebration was developed by the Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) to promote excellence in writing and publishing for young people and encourage children to develop a love of reading and books. Since 1946 CBCA has held annual Awards for Australian writers, and 2024's short list can be seen below. The titles are available to borrow from your local library.
In the City of Gosnells, CBCA Book Week features sessions with visiting children’s authors, storytellers and illustrators. Follow the links on the Special Events images below for event booking details (these will become active once bookings open).

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Photos from CBCA Book Week activities in 2023
We'd like to thank the State Government of WA through the Department of Local Government, Sports & Cultural Industries for generously supporting Children's Book Week in WA.