What encouraged you to become a volunteer?

I wanted to help the community, to try and gain new and more experience as a leader and to make new friends.

My year 5 teacher encouraged me to become a volunteer and has helped in a lot of different fields that I struggled in. The experience helped me in year 6 especially for my graduation. I also like to feel involved so KING seemed like the best solution that benefited me in many ways. Essentially it wasn't a hard decision to make.

When my parents heard that I had an opportunity like this they were very happy and excited for me. They encouraged me to take this opportunity and not let go. These words encouraged me to be part of KING and the City of Gosnells.

Tell us about an average day in your volunteer role

We brainstorm, plan events, take workshops on public speaking and event planning and discuss what we could do for the community.

KING makes you think a little more about your community. For example on my first day at the program, I had to take a camera home and take pictures of interesting things in Gosnells. We also do fun activities like making posters and we have meetings once a month.

We work as a team and brainstorm plenty of ideas to help improve the City of Gosnells.

What advice would you give to anyone who is interested in volunteering?

Keep on going because even if you've only changed one person's life, you've changed the world. Be yourself and have fun!

Don't be nervous because everyone is really nice and is in the same position as you. Be positive, and have fun during the experience. Enjoy the time you have as a volunteer as it is an experience you'll never forget.

My advice for anyone interested in volunteering in the City of Gosnells is to never be afraid to take an opportunity that comes by. You will never know what great things you might experience or the adventures you will have. Volunteering to a good cause is one of the greatest things we will be able to do. Giving a helping hand to someone in need or sharing ideas with others is an essential ingredient in loving others around us.