In 2005 and 2006 the City commissioned a number of technical studies (environmental, infrastructure, drainage, traffic and transport) and undertook a landowner consultation exercise to identify specific opportunities and constraints to the development of the MKSEA for industrial purposes. The findings of these technical studies were summarised in Information Sheets which were presented to landowners during a series of three information evenings held in October and November 2006. Landowners were provided with a package containing the information sheets and a feedback form.
It was evident from the landowner feedback that although some opposition to the future development of the MKSEA existed, there was broad support for progressing planning for the area. Almost all landowners expressed frustration at the lack of certainty about development potential and the time taken to progress planning.
In response, City staff prepared a Draft Concept Plan based on the best available information and resources, which was intended to reflect development opportunities and constraints and stimulate further landowner input into the planning process.
2007 - 2008
Following a Council meeting in March 2007, Council considered landowner feedback and made a series of Resolutions, including that the Draft Concept plan be suitable for advertising. City staff invited all MKSEA landowners, adjoining Bickley Road residents and those within the Shire of Kalamunda south of Welshpool Road to two information evenings in March and April 2007 where information on the Concept plan was presented. Attendees were provided a copy of the Concept Plan, an Information Sheet and a submission form.
The submissions received during the advertising period on the Concept Plan have raised numerous issues. In response, City Staff recommended that a series of modifications be made to the Concept Plan. The modified concept plan was subsequently advertised to landowners from December 2007 through to February 2008.
Further letters were sent to landowners in 2009 and 2010 to provide updates to the planning of the MKSEA.
Two landowner information evenings were held on May 11 and 12, 2011 to provide an update on the project.
A letter was sent to Landowners in precinct 2 and 3A & 3B regarding the progress on the project.
A letter was sent to Landowners in precinct 2 and 3A & 3B regarding the progress on the project.
Council Sought comment on the draft Local Planning Policy - Maddington Kenwick Strategic Employment Area Precinct between 22 May - 12 June 2014.
A letter was sent to Landowners in Precinct 1 regarding the preparation of an Outline Development Plan (ODP).
More information
- Letter to landowners about Council's intent to prepare a Structure Plan for Pre…
- MKSEA Response to Landowner Feedback Information Sessions May 2011
- MKSEA Landowner Information Sessions - Workshop Outcomes Report
- MKSEA Landowner Information Sesssions Full Attachments
- MKSEA Landowner Update December 2010
- MKSEA June 2009 Update Letter to Landowners