
There are many wonderful trees throughout the City of Gosnells. The fig trees adjacent to the Gosnells Hotel. The Flooded gums in Pioneer Centennial Park. The old Jarrah in the river park near the Wilkinson Homestead. The fig trees in front of the Liddelow Homestead. Each of us could compile a list of trees that are special because of their size, importance in the landscape, historical or cultural significance, or their age.

The City of Gosnells is starting a Significant Tree Register to document these important trees, and to help preserve their legacy for the future. The register is part of Greening Gosnells: Our Public Tree Strategy 2022-2030. Through this strategy, the City is committed to arresting the decline of its urban canopy and enhancing the amenity of its streetscapes and reserves through an increased planting of public trees.


The purpose of the Significant Tree Register is to catalogue any trees that hold exceptional community value. This should enable these trees to be recognised and protected so that they can be managed accordingly to ensure their value is maintained and preserved for a long as possible.

The Significant Tree Register draws public attention to:

  • the increasing importance of public trees
  • the need to protect public trees
  • the historical, cultural, and environmental contribution of our trees; and
  • the need for public involvement in the management of local trees.


Significant trees must meet certain criteria. An assessment process has been developed by City arborists to provide a systematic, transparent and consistent approach to checking the eligibility of trees to be listed on the Significant Tree Register. 

Jarrah Tree - Charles Hook

The criteria focus on the following:

  • Physical form
  • Landscape Value
  • Heritage Value
  • Botanical Value
  • Location
  • Community Significance 

Selection Process

Any person can nominate a tree for the Significant Tree Register providing that the tree is located on City owned or managed land and follows the guidelines.

Assessment process:

  1. Nomination form submitted.
  2. Criteria assessed including arborist inspection.
  3. Response to Applicant.

Management of Significant Trees

  • Significant Trees are more frequently inspected for health and condition.
  • Significant Trees are prioritized for remedial works.
  • Significant Trees receive the highest retention rating. New developments are designed around the needs of the tree.
  • Where practical, Significant Trees are incorporated into public reserves.

The register of Significant Trees will be managed by the Coordinator Tree Services and kept in electronic format.

Significant Trees Registered