What is the main aim of the strategy?
The Activity Centres Planning Strategy (ACPS) outlines broad planning requirements for the development of new activity centres and redevelopment and renewal of existing centres. The ACPS addresses the distribution, function, broad land use and urban design criteria of activity centres and with coordinating their land use and infrastructure planning.
The ACPS will guide the preparation and consideration of structure plans, planning scheme amendments, local planning policies and applications for subdivision and development, where these planning frameworks and proposals involve activity centres.
What has happened?
On April 24 2012, Council resolved to adopt the ACPS and forward it to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) for its consideration. The WAPC has given its in principle support to the ACPS subject to a Local Planning Strategy being prepared by the City.
The ACPS was updated in 2019 to align with Council's draft Local Planning Strategy.