Town Planning Scheme No.17 is a Guided Development Scheme which refers to the 313 hectare area bound by Warton Road, Huntingdale Road, Southern River Road, Holmes Street and Garden Street Extension.
What is the main aim of the project?
The main aim of the Scheme is to guide subdivision and residential development in the area. Associated with the scheme is an arrangement administered by the City for the shared provision of development infrastructure. The arrangement requires landowners, as they subdivide or significantly develop, to make contributions towards the construction of drainage facilities, major roads and pathways, other servicing works and the provision of public open space.
The majority of Scheme infrastructure is now in place, such as open space reserves, drainage basins, roads and pathways.
What has been happening?
A range of planning initiatives have been undertaken for the Town Planning Scheme No.17 Review, including:
- TPS No. 17 - Gazetted 1990
- Amendment 1 - Gazetted 15 July 1997 to apportion costs for additional drainage structure to allow subdivision; and amend road layout to improve traffic flow and safety in line with current planning practice. This amendment resulted in a reconnection of a portion of Bullfinch Street and additional land area required for a compensation basin.
- Amendment 2 - Gazetted 3 December 2010, the amendment was a response to the lack of sewer to properly facilitate subdivision. On 12 June 2001 Council considered the sewer issue and resolved to call a tender for sewer design and costs. The design was prepared by Connell Wagner with various options proposed. On 23 September 2003 Council resolved to proceed with sewer design and costing and initiate an amendment to TPS 17 by incorporating a cost sharing provision for the sewer. April 2009 saw Final Adoption.
What needs to happen?
At Ordinary Council Meeting 10 November 2015, a report was presented to endorse the approach for the discontinuation of Town Planning Scheme No. 17 and prepare a Structure Plan and associated Developer Contribution Plan (DCP) for the remaining undeveloped lots in the Scheme area. This will ensure that these remaining lots will be provided with adequate service infrastructure and developed to a more contemporary standard.
Further reports/plans will be presented to council to implement these changes.