Switch Your Thinking engages our community to take actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through workshops, projects and incentives.
- Access discounts for various products and services such as solar panels and worm farms through the Rewards for Residents program.
- Access discounts for various products and services such as energy audits and insulation through the Rewards for Business program.
- Get your business recognised for your efforts to reduce waste, energy/water use or emissions through the Switched On Business Awards.
Switch Your Thinking is a local government sustainability initiative founded by the City of Gosnells, City of Armadale and the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale as the South-east Regional Energy Group (SEREG). Switch Your Thinking works together with local governments to develop partnerships with business, industry and residents to encourage energy efficient, water-wise and waste reducing behaviour.

To keep up to date on sustainability news, new opportunities and success stories, subscribe to our monthly Community of Business e-newsletters.
Energy Bills too high? Subscribe to our monthly Energy Smart SMS systems which gives you monthly tips to help you reduce energy use in your home.

The Western Australian Government is providing $500,000 to Switch Your Thinking for the design and delivery of an 18-month pilot program (inclusive of the planning stage) to assist participating Western Australian Local Governments to support their residents and local small to medium businesses to build energy literacy and implement energy efficiency measures in their homes and businesses. The primary objective of the pilot is to provide participants with access to relevant, accessible energy efficiency education to influence behaviour change leading to improved energy literacy and corresponding reductions in energy use and bills. Visit https://switchyourthinking.com/energy/ to learn more.