Song and rhyme sessions, perfect for babies who are not yet moving around independently.

If you’re a parent with a baby aged 0 – 12 months, come down to the library for an opportunity to meet others, chat, discover resources and programs in the community and play with your baby. Throughout the year there will also be guest speakers who will cover a range of early childhood topics. 

For ages 0-12 months who are not yet crawling. Parents please note that children 12 years and under must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times.

Bookings are not required for this program, however, space is limited and places are allocated via a token system. Please collect a token on arrival (first come, first served).

Program days and times

Weekly on Wednesdays, 9.30am – 10am (see listed dates)

Thornlie Public Library
1 Culross Avenue
Thornlie WA 6108

Thornlie Library is conveniently close to Thornlie Square Shopping Centre, Leisure World and Thornlie Primary School.