In 2018/2019 the City engaged a consultant to undertake a review of background information covering:

  • relevant City plans,
  • reports,
  • studies,
  • facility usage data
  • demographics,
  • an audit of the City’s existing facilities and active reserves

The result identified sport and recreation trends, challenges and opportunities across the City. This information has enabled the City to prioritise a series of projects to improve the provision of both organised and casual active recreation across the City within the next decade (by 2030).

Details of these future priority projects can be found in the ‘Sports Plan 2020-2029’ which was adopted by Council at its meeting held on 25 August 2020.

The City is now progressing with the implementation of the Sports Plan. Project details and costings for future priority projects will be developed as part of the City’s annual budget processes and capital works program.

Community Involvement

Consultation will be undertaken for each project as it progresses. Residents, sporting and community groups will have the opportunity to be involved through the City’s online consultation hub Your Say Gosnells.