A Welcome to Country area will be built at Mary Carroll Park this financial year, thanks to grant funding secured by the City of Gosnells.

The $1 million Lotterywest grant will help transform Mary Carroll Park into a great community space with artworks, signage, a path network, lighting, additional picnic areas with shade shelters and a Changing Places accessible toilet.

City of Gosnells Mayor David Goode said the works were in addition to the pedestrian bridges and all-abilities playground recently announced for the park, bringing the total investment to $3 million.

“These changes will help to make this renowned wetland park more accessible and welcoming for everyone in our community to experience. We want people to enjoy this significant natural asset in the heart of Gosnells,” he said.

“While the new pedestrian bridges planned for Mary Carroll Park will provide visitors with a fresh perspective on the environmental aspects of the wetland, the Welcome to Country will encourage visitors to be more aware of the culture and history of the area, and to acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional owners.”

The Welcome to Country area will provide local Aboriginal people with an opportunity to share their stories and cultural pride and enable greater learning about Aboriginal culture.

To complement the planned all-abilities playground at Mary Carroll Park, the accessible toilet will be built to Changing Places specifications, allowing people with high support needs to access toilet facilities.

Local Government Minister John Carey said through the Lotterywest funding, the Western Australian Government continued to support building a better Western Australia.

“I am a strong advocate of local governments creating active spaces that bring the community together, and the development being undertaken by the City of Gosnells at Mary Carroll Park is a great example of that,” he said.

“A new Welcome to Country area will be a fantastic addition to Mary Carroll Park and allows all residents an opportunity to share in the stories and cultural pride of the local Aboriginal people.”

Member for Thornlie Chris Tallentire welcomed the upgrades planned for Mary Carroll Park.

“It’s fabulous that our natural heritage is being made as accessible as possible. Seeing things like the annual arrival of migratory birds or enjoying the flowering of unique flora gives us a sense of connection with where we live,” Mr Tallentire said.

“Congratulations to the City of Gosnells for gaining this funding.”

For details about the project, visit yoursay.gosnells.wa.gov.au. More information about Changing Places accredited facilities can be found at changingplaces.org.au.