For a noise complaint to be investigated the location of the noise must be known.

Industrial Noise complaints relate to noise occurring in an industrial area.

Residential Noise complaints relate to noise occurring in a residential area including power tools, a home business, loud music, etc

A Record of Noise form containing details of the noise over a period of fourteen (14) days to assist with gathering evidence, must be attached to the report. Click agree to report the noise and attach the form.

If the noise is building or construction work in a residential area outside of the allowed hours you do not need to complete the Record of Noise.

Online Requests will only be responded to in business hours. You may wish to contact the Police if urgent action is required outside of business hours.

Please Note:

  1. Your details will be kept confidential, however City of Gosnells is subject to the Freedom of Information Act, 1992.
  2. While every effort will be made to resolve your request promptly, please understand that the City has limited resources and public health issues need to be dealt with in order of priority.
  3. Should you require further information please contact the City’s Health Services on 9397 3000.
  4. A mediation service is provided by the Gosnells Community Legal Centre Inc 9398 1455.
  5. If the form is not returned within 21 days, it will be assumed you do not wish to pursue this matter.
  6. Should this matter be referred to Court for prosecution, you will be called as a witness.  
