Level 1 and 2 Community Grants NOW OPEN!
This grants category provides funding for community organisations and individuals to support the delivery of programs, events, training, minor capital works and the purchase of equipment.
Read the following documents before you apply:
Level 1
Up to $2,500 to support small-scale, local initiatives. Funding may be used for the purchase of minor equipment, small, localised events and programs or training and professional development of employees and volunteers.
Opening date: Applications are accepted all year round.
Closing date: 24th of each month
Level 2
Up to $10,000 in matched funding to support community projects which provide longer term benefit to the community. Funding may be used for the purchase or upgrade of equipment, minor capital works, community events and programs and training and professional development of employees and volunteers. Two rounds of funding are conducted annually in April and September.
Opening date: 8:00am Tuesday 1st April 2025
Closing date: 5:00pm Wednesday 30th April 2025
Submit Your Acquittal
Following completion of the project applicants are required to submit an acquittal, giving a brief overview of the project and whether outcomes were met, and providing evidence of project expenditure.
Acquittals are to be submitted using the Acquittal Project Report web form and must be completed within two months of the project completion date.
Level 1: Acquittal Project Report Web Form - Category 1 Level 1
Level 2: Acquittal Project Report Web Form - Category 1 Level 2
To discuss your application, or for any further queries about the Community Funding Program, please contact:
Community Development Team
Telephone: 08 9397 3000
Email: info@gosnells.wa.gov.au